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Powerful Visuals About Psychology & Life

Psychology & Life

Psychology Visuals 

Psychology and self-help books are great, but I’ve often found that powerful visuals that are easy to digest are much more effective in helping me understand big concepts and ideas.

There are plenty of these available online, but I wanted to create some of my favourites, and add some additional context to help you understand the concepts much easier.

Visual attention refers to the ability to prepare for, select, and maintain awareness of specific locations, objects, or attributes of the visual scene (or an imagined scene). The focus of visual attention can be redirected to a new target either reflexively or through the purposeful effort of the observer.

The center of gaze typically follows the focus of attention, but the observer can intentionally dissociate the two, thereby demonstrating that the neural systems controlling eye movements and attention are at least partially distinct.

The specific purpose and mode of action of attention are topics of significant debate. Direction of visual attention to a target can enhance the detection of subtle changes in brightness, color, or virtually any other attribute of interest.

Changes in the visual scene not associated with the target are less readily detected unless they are sufficiently salient to reflexively redirect attention. Some visual attributes require focused attention to be perceived correctly.

What is visual attention?

You’re in the kitchen, standing at the stove, looking out the window into the backyard. What do you see? A swimming pool? The dog chasing a squirrel? Whatever it is – whatever object, color, or movement you zoom in on – results from the proper operation of your visual attention.



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Headache – Natural remedies

By @Mind_Essentials


A Changing Role for IT: Running the Business

the Business

Running the Business, Traditional IT has been lumped into the corporate cost center bucket—expenditures that are necessary but not especially connected with marketplace success. In other words, that bucket holds everything not focused on building and selling a company’s products or services. Every company’s approach to cost centers is the same: spend as little as possible.

However, this will change significantly as more of every IT organization’s efforts focus on digital-first applications. This is because these applications directly interact with customers or improve products to make them more attractive to the market. They are directly tied to revenue and, because of that, are subject to very different spend filters.

The question asked of digital-first applications is not “How much will it cost?” but “How much will it make?” For those applications that show a positive contribution to revenue or profit, the issue will be how much can be invested and how quickly.

This changes the role of IT, which can be summarized in the phrase “IT’s job changes from supporting the business to running the business.”

For senior IT leadership, this imposes a range of necessary actions:

Closer collaboration with product teams to ensure the right digital functionality is built into the company’s offerings. Better analysis of how users actually use the product, so it can be modified to increase customer engagement and thereby revenues. 

Increased emphasis on application resilience to reduce interruptions to revenue flow. Essentially, IT must change from an order-taking organization to a collaboration partner organization. Some leaders and organizations will make this transition, and their parent companies will thrive; others will find the change too challenging, and their failure will affect not just them but will damage their parent company’s future.



Improve the SEO of your WordPress website

Morbi bridge collapse


Morbi bridge – According to news reports, more than 130 people have died and many more injured in the sudden collapse of the cable bridge. 

on Sunday in Gujarat’s Morbi district. Army, Navy, Airforce, Fire Brigade, and NDRF are engaged in rescue operations.

Morbi Bridge Collapse: Over 3 lakh people dead in 10 years due to drowning,  147 bridges need immediate repair
Morbi bridge collapse

Gujarat’s Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have announced compensation for those who have been injured or kin of those deceased in the incident. Follow for the latest as rescue efforts get underway. Content warning: This timeline includes live-updating Tweets which may consist of sensitive images. Video via @IndiaToday

In its show-cause notice on January 18, the government observed that the 52-member general board of Morbi municipality was “incompetent of discharging its primary duties” and asked the civic body why it should not be suspended in view of the bridge collapse.

While hearing a suo motu public interest litigation in November 2022, a Gujarat High Court bench headed by then Chief Justice Aravind Kumar observed that “there was a default” on the party of the municipality with respect to the bridge collapse. The bench asked the state government why it was not superseding the municipality by using Section 263 of the Gujarat Municipalities Act, 1963.

Prime Minister

@narendramodi chairs high level meeting to review the situation in Morbi at Raj Bhavan in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. He was briefed on the rescue and relief operations that have been underway ever since the unfortunate mishap took place in Morbi.


How Social Media Impacts Your SEO


Social Media SEO has evolved quite rapidly in the years it has been around. From BBS (Bulletin Board) to Friendster, Diaspora, Myspace and onto Facebook. But when we think of social media today, we arguably only have 3 or 4 large networks in mind: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Nowadays, those four platforms have become essential to every marketer’s strategy and are used to effectively get your brand in front of your target audience; but do they directly impact your SEO and search ranking? No, they currently do not.

However, that doesn’t mean that social media marketing and SEO do not affect each other in a variety of different ways. They are both inbound strategies that aim to attract your audience or customers to your brand. They are also both organic ways to attract your audience with unique quality content.

Perhaps the best way to describe the relationship between SEO and social media is to say that they are co-dependent. Effective social media campaigns will help improve your site ranking, and good SEO will inevitably boost your social clout. This is what we refer to as social SEO: the use of social media to boost your search engine rankings.

This post will demystify the relationship between social media and SEO; and show you how you can make social SEO work for your WordPress site.

How Important is Social SEO?

You can certainly rank your website well without focusing much on social SEO. You can’t, however, rank your website by focusing solely on social SEO. But that shouldn’t make you dismiss the whole idea too soon.

An active and strong social media presence makes it easier and faster to rank your site as search engines attribute authority based on tweets, shares, likes and Google +1s. Your social media presence also puts your content in front of a larger audience, some of whom will link your content on their own sites, creating valuable organic backlinks which contribute to your PageRank.

That is not to say that social SEO will eventually replace regular SEO, but we cannot ignore the fact that social signals are slowly becoming an integral part of search engine algorithms. Even though they have nothing on backlinks – and probably won’t, at least not in the near future – social links are still quite important. But how much effect or weight do they have on your rankings, particularly your ranking for target keywords?

Well, search engines have not yet made that information public. We just have to work with the definitive information that social signals do (indirectly) impact your site rankings and will continue to do so.

When Should I Focus on Social SEO?

If you are in an industry where your competitors are heavily focusing on both SEO and social SEO, and you want to rank well for your industry keywords, you have no other option but to do the same. Backlinks coupled with social signals will boost your rankings much more than backlinks alone, so you will lag behind your competition if you are only focused on building the latter. And if they aren’t focused on social SEO, you should jump on the opportunity to get one step ahead of your competitors.

Although social media does not directly impact your site rankings on Google, social networks are dominating the internet and will arguably dictate the future of the internet. You should invest properly in social media as it could soon directly impact your site’s rankings on search engines.

How to Effectively Implement Social SEO

How can you increase your site rankings with good social SEO? Here are a few summarized tips:

  • Create a business page on the “main” social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
  • Be active on those channels and engage your followers and subscribers
  • Create shareable, engaging and unique content
  • Make it as easy as possible for people to share your content
  • Share your content, and that of other influencers in your field on your social channels

The more active you are on social media, the more awareness you are bringing to your brand, the more your social following grows, and the higher the chance that your content is being shared across a broader network. It’s a snowball effect: the more followers you have, the more engagement you’ll get and the easier it will become to grow your community.

A bigger community means that more people are viewing your content and the higher the chance that the content will be shared. This increases the number of backlinks to your site which will impact your search rankings for the better.

Also, the more engagement you have on your social channels, the higher the chance that people will look for your brand on Google or other search engines via branded searches – which help your site rank for non-branded keywords that are relevant to your brand.

You do have to consider that the above scenarios are based on the assumption that you are producing quality and unique content. If you are creating bad content, you won’t get anywhere. Users will not interact with your brand if you’re not offering them value or good entertainment. If you want your content shared and widely distributed, you need to put in the time to create quality and valuable content your audience will enjoy.

In summary, the following social signals will increase your search engine rankings for the keywords you’re targeting:

  • Your social network followers
  • The likes, shares, retweets, Google +1s your website gets
  • Mentions by other authority or influencers in your field
  • Positive reviews on your business’ Google+ page

Using All in One SEO Pack for Social Meta

Our All in One SEO Pack plugin comes with a Social Meta module to help you get going with social marketing. This feature allows you to add Open Graph meta tags to enrich your posts by creating a rich snippet. Let’s briefly go over how Open Graph meta tags work and how they specifically help you with social SEO.

Basically, every web page on any site can be shared on social media channels. However, the way that shared page is displayed on social media may be very different. Websites that aren’t optimized with Open Graph meta tags won’t be as easily interpreted by Facebook, Twitter and the like and will, most of the time, show up as a blank link with a small description underneath.

However, adding Open Graph meta tags to a page on your site enriches the snippet and enables Facebook and other social media networks to display your content in the way you want to present it when it is shared. This is where All in One SEO Pack comes into action. For a full overview of all Open Graph and social meta features, please visit our documentation section.

There is no concrete evidence that Open Graph meta tags are important for search engines, but they do enable you to create presentable good looking posts on social media (instead of a bland-looking post). This significantly increases your organic traffic from social media to your WordPress site. Studies have shown that traffic increases 100%-200% if a post looks great vs. a blank link that doesn’t really mean much to social media users.

Wrapping It Up

Overall, a solid social media strategy, in conjunction with good SEO practices, will increase organic traffic to your site. Solely focusing on SEO may not cut it any longer if you want to be a step ahead of your competition. Revising your strategy to incorporate social SEO will inevitably boost your organic traffic and could very well increase your search engine rankings in the near future.


SEO and Marketing



Building a product without a plan is like navigating without a map. And creating a product without a product strategy is like planning a building without the blueprint. So yes, you may succeed in creating something, but both the stability and scalability will always be in question.
Look, we understand. Once you have a good idea, you’re in a hurry to bring the product to life. But taking the time to make sure you have the right expertise (i.e. a product strategist) is well worth it. This will ensure your product has a solid roadmap and scaling plan. You’ll also lessen the number of times you have to go back and add something because you didn’t foresee the initial need.
At MOONFIRES, we can never overstate the importance of having a product strategist be a part of the team. In that spirit, we’ve put together a list of ways product strategy can boost your business.

Having a Clear Vision – Great Foundation for Product Strategy

Creating and articulating a clear vision is key. Your vision should reflect the product’s ‘reach for the stars’ place. What is your highest hope for how your products can serve your target audience? Answering this question may take more than a few tries. So it’s nice to have a Product Strategist on board who can help you navigate these waters. Based on the product’s vision, you’ll be ready to move on to step 2: building a roadmap.

Creating a Roadmap for the Entire Team to Follow

You shouldn’t rely solely on your intuition in product development. By working with a PS you will have a robust roadmap to follow. Product strategists develop roadmaps based on the product vision, competitive analysis, market research, and goals. The roadmap provides great motivation for the whole team. It’s a way for everyone to be able to tie their daily tasks to the bigger picture.
However, we understand that in most current agile startups it’s not possible to always stick to the plan. So another role of a PS is to always follow the market, subsequent trends, and bring the client on board. This can result in making changes to the roadmap accordingly.

Making Product Strategy Decisions Based on Competitive Market Analysis

Another thing PSs help you do is to stay ahead of the competition by doing a deep dive market analysis of similar products and bringing your a comprehensive report. Based on an analysis of trends you can make strategic decisions on what parts of your products to prioritize and what unique value your product needs to offer in order to stand out. Market analysis is also key in anticipating the needs of users in the future and also stay aware of updates regarding laws from Google or other major search engines where your product will be seen.

Setting SMART Goals

No product strategy would be complete without setting SMART goals. PSs are able to assess your product vision and appropriately match it with the teams’ capacity to come up with goals that are specific and measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. On the other hand, don’t forget that while goals have to be realistic and deliver results, your product vision is a place where you can really stretch the imagination. Use your vision to articulate your dreams that your goals will help you build toward.

Get the Most Out of Product Development 

Overall, the point we’ve been trying to get across is that Product Strategists are there to facilitate the product development process and not to add another level of bureaucracy to your status meetings. Maybe you already have a product strategy in place. Check to see if it contains all the components above: product vision, roadmap, competitive market analysis, and goals. If something is missing, you may want to consider onboarding a product strategist to your team. Even if you’re mid-development, they can help optimize your strategy so you get the best version of your product possible.


A Changing Role for IT: Running the Business

SEO and Marketing


SEO and Marketing, Search engines- Google, Yahoo, Bing- have become the heart of the internet industry. Each one is a powerful search engine that connects people with information, knowledge and ideas. Search engines are essential in our everyday lives; they help us find information quickly and easily. However, many people think that search engines are obsolete since they only index web pages based on content and structure. Many people also think that they’re too technical to understand how search engines work- so they don’t bother trying to understand them. However, it’s important to know how search engines work since they’re essential in promoting websites.

Search engines use several algorithms to match people with websites that contain information they’re looking for. For example, when a person enters a query into Google, the algorithm matches the person’s query with website content based on its relevance and popularity. The most important thing about using search engines is writing quality content for each webpage. Without good content, no amount of paid advertising will help your webpage gain traction. Plus, adding quality content regularly is crucial in ensuring your webpage remains relevant to search engine users. Essentially, SEO is an essential part of creating high-quality web pages.

seo and marketing
seo and marketing

SEO marketing is a subset of digital marketing that involves the optimization of websites and web pages for major search engines like Google. As these search engines became a predominant way of finding just about anything, various practices have emerged to help organizations improve the visibility of their digital assets.

The term “search engine optimization (SEO)” refers to a blend of internal and external tactics. The major search engines each have their own formula or “secret sauce” for ranking pages within search results. Referred to technically as algorithms, these formulas are closely guarded practices that major search engines protect as trade secrets.

Why Is Search Engine Marketing Important?

In the modern world, technology is an essential part of life, and search engines play an important role in that reality. Thousands of users perform search engine queries just about every second of every day. That is a tremendously large and constantly replenished audience to reach from a marketing perspective.

Digging a little deeper into the data, it becomes clear that marketing SEO is an exceptionally powerful tool. Courtesy of SEO Tribunal, the statistics below represent approximate figures to demonstrate the impact of search engine marketing:

  • 67,000 users perform a Google search every second of every day.
  • 93 percent of online endeavors start with a search engine query.
  • 80 percent of searchers disregard paid advertisements in search results.
  • 58 percent of online searches come from mobile devices.
  • 46 percent of Google searches are locally and geographically focused.
  • 39 percent of global traffic to eCommerce websites originates from search engines.


What Are the Components of On-Page SEO?

Sometimes referred to as “on-site SEO,” on-page SEO relates to the optimization of websites and pages to improve rankings in the major search engines. Organizations have a high degree of control over the elements of on-page SEO, making it relatively straightforward to optimize these factors and improve search rankings.

Several important aspects of on-page SEO include (1) Content, (2) Keywords, (3) HTML, and (4) Architecture.

SEO and Marketing

History of Diwali


Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated throughout India and Nepal. It marks the victory of good over evil and celebrates the triumph of light over darkness. In Hinduism, Diwali is considered a time of renewal and celebration.

It is believed that Lord Rama returned home after 14 years of exile and his wife Sita was rescued from captivity. On this day, people celebrate their faith and pray for prosperity and peace. The word diwali means ‘row of lamps’ and refers to the practice of lighting oil lamps (diyas) in homes and temples to symbolize the return of light after the long dark winter months.

It is a five-day festival, beginning on the night of the full moon in October/November and ending on the morning of the new moon in November/December. On the first day, known as Vijayadashami, devotees visit their relatives and friends and exchange gifts. On the second day, Bhai Dooj, families gather together to share sweets and snacks. On the third day, Naraka Chaturthi, devotees offer prayers at the temple and burn incense sticks. On the fourth day, Lakshmi Puja, devotees worship Goddess Laxmi. On the fifth day, Vishu, devotees visit the temple and offer prayers.

There are several myths associated with the origin of Diwali. One myth says that God created the world out of a single drop of water. Another story tells how Goddess Laxmi gave her necklace of pearls to King Janaka, who then offered them to Brahma. Brahma accepted the gift and asked for something in return. He requested that he be given three boons. First, he wanted a son; second, he wanted wealth; and third, he wanted a daughter. When Brahma granted him the first two requests, he refused the third. However, Brahma told him that if he could not have a daughter, he would grant him a daughter named Durga.
Diwali is a major festival in India and Nepal.
It is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm.
People decorate their houses with colorful lights and candles.


दिवाळी पाडवा


Holi – Date and Time Holika Dahan Muhurt