Border Security Force (BSF) Raising Day

Border Security Force (BSF) Raising Day

India’s first line of Defence, Border Security Force (BSF), celebrates its Raising Day on 1 December every year. BSF was established on 1 December 1965 for ensuring security on the borders of India. Currently, BSF comprises 2.65 lakh personnel, deployed across the international border in 193 battalions.

BSF plays a crucial role in containing unauthorized entry into or exit from the territory of India and it prevents transborder crimes. It also works towards stopping illegal activities such as smuggling. BSF strives to promote a sense of security in people living in the border areas. When the earthquake occurred in Gujarat on 26 January 2001, BSF was the first one to reach out for helping distressed individuals.


Pakistan attacked Sardar Post, Beria Bet, and Chhar Bet in Kutch on 9 April 1965. So, the Government of India decided to establish a specialised centrally controlled Border Security Force (BSF) which would be trained and armed for battling Pakistan on the international border. After the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries, BSF was formed on 1 December 1965. Khusro Faramurz Rustamji was the first chief and founding father of this force.


Here are some of the important roles that BSF has played:

BSF played a crucial role in defending the integrity of India during the Kargil war from May to July 1999.
BSF contributes its personnel for services in the United Nations (UN) mission each year.
BSF personnel helped in restoring brotherhood and amity among people during the communal disturbances in Gujarat.
Internal Security Duty is being performed by the BSF personnel in Manipur and they have been fighting insurgency in those areas for the last 2 years.
The erection of the border fencing in Jammu and Kashmir was taken over by the BSF and it successfully completed the task while Pakistan was trying to create hurdles.

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The Border Security Force (BSF) will celebrate its 59th Raising Day on Friday.

The BSF will pay homage to the 1,968 personnel it has lost in the line of duty, 14 of which laid down their lives for the country in 2023.

This year, BSF personnel have been awarded 11 Police Medals for Gallantry, 10 Police Medals for Distinguished Service, 92 Police Medals for Meritorious Service and six Jeevan Raksha Padak awards for lifesaving.

This year, BSF personnel have been awarded 11 Police Medals for Gallantry, 10 Police Medals for Distinguished Service, 92 Police Medals for Meritorious Service and six Jeevan Raksha Padak awards for lifesaving.




Mysore Dasara, Karnataka

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